[Foundation-l] LiquidThreads redesign?

Erik Moeller erik at wikimedia.org
Sat Apr 2 01:20:36 UTC 2011

2011/4/1 Casey Brown <lists at caseybrown.org>:
>        LQT has been put on hold.  It is now a "Frontier" project.

To clarify:

Frontier Projects are investment areas that could help us make leaps
towards our strategic goals, but which come with some risk and
complexity. These are areas toward which the Wikimedia Foundation will
invest some resources, typically involving considerable prototyping
and data analysis to better understand impact and risks. [1]

We're not adding resources to LQT at present, but we've also not put
the project on hold. Andrew Garrett continues to be assigned to it as
contractor. His current priorities are here:

After the most recent Brandon/Andrew/team meeting, it was decided that
LQT needed some fundamental re-architecturing work for us to be able
to build the kind of user experience we want, and that's what Andrew's
currently focused on.

It's not getting the resource push it would need to reach major
milestones quickly -- just because we don't have the resources (see
[1] for where most resources are going and why). But the work is
continuing and we'll be able to ramp up resourcing if/when we progress
in other areas.

[1] http://strategy.wikimedia.org/wiki/Product_Whitepaper

Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

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