[Foundation-l] Misplaced Reliance, was Re: Paid editing, was Re: Ban and moderate

geni geniice at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 19:43:44 UTC 2010

On 24 October 2010 20:26, Anthony <wikimail at inbox.org> wrote:

> None of which I'd expect to say that John Seigenthaler is a murderer.
> There are mistakes of facts, and then there's malicious lies.  I'd
> definitely expect more of the latter in Wikipedia than in any of the
> traditional encyclopedias.

So your position is that you have the authority to draw lines in the sand.

> No, "Wikipedia is an encyclopedia" is not consistent with any rational
> definitions of "Wikipedia" and "encyclopedia".  "Wikipedia" cannot be
> "an encyclopedia", because it isn't "a work".
> Put it in a fixed form, like on a CD, and then you can call it an encyclopedia.

Your position would require that Ai Weiwei's Sunflower Seeds wasn't a
work until 15 October. A somewhat non standard approach I feel. In
fact wikipedia is at any given moment in a fixed form. So in fact
there are a few tens of wikipedia encyclopedias a minute.


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