[Foundation-l] Greg Kohs and Peter Damian

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Tue Oct 19 03:24:06 UTC 2010

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Fred Bauder <fredbaud at fairpoint.net> wrote:
> This list is for people who support the project, not those who are
> actively opposing it or criticizing in public forums in exaggerated ways.
> Nothing constructive or helpful is likely to be added by thekohster

Wow, I don't know.  On the one hand, you're right, the list should be
for people who support the project (*).  On the other hand, this ban
appears to possibly be in retaliation for Greg's whistleblowing with
regard to the Q2 Consulting contract, and it seems to me that that
action *was* constructive, in that it points out the lack of an
important policy, even if it ultimately turns out that no actual
wrongdoing took place.

Maybe it was the right decision (**), but even so, the timing was
horrible (***).

(*) Including those who support the project but believe that major
changes ought to be made.

(**) I'm not sure if Greg falls into "those who support the project
but believe that major changes ought to be made" or not.

(***) See http://www.examiner.com/wiki-edits-in-national/wikimedia-foundation-director-admits-to-sweetheart-contracts
, which was published after the ban was announced, but which describes
an IRC conversation which took place before the ban was announced.

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