[Foundation-l] RecentChangesCamp 2011: Boston and Canberra, Australia

Laura Hale laura at fanhistory.com
Mon Oct 18 23:35:11 UTC 2010


We've set the date for RecentChangesCamp Canberra.  It will be held from
January 28 to January 30.  More details are available at
http://recentchangescamp.org/wiki/Canberra .  We're working on setting the
venue and date for Boston and are looking at March.

Recent Changes Camp was born from the intersection of wiki and Open Space.
Since 2006, participants from all over North America and the globe have
gathered together for a common purpose: discussing the past, present, and
future of the technology and collaborative method that is wiki. RCC is a
chance for everyone in the wiki community, something we like to call Wiki
Ohana, to meet and have a fun, productive conversation about our passion for
wikis of all stripes. Going far beyond technology, we're interested in wiki
culture and other networks/groups/etc. that share many of the values
implicit in it — from cultural creatives, to public participation and free
culture advocates. If you use a wiki or you value open collaboration, Recent
Changes Camp is created for you. RCC is about openness and inclusion,
collaboration and community, creativity and flow.

This unconference/BarCamp has been held at least once every year since 2006
(and twice in 2007). Unlike a conventional conference, where everything's
pre-planned and structured, RecentChangesCamp is a gathering where we decide
for ourselves what we're going to get out of it by offering sessions each
morning on whatever we want (and of course ad hoc sessions can form at any
time). There's no agenda until we make it up! Now, that might sound a bit
chaotic if you've never been to this type of gathering, but be prepared to
be surprised at how much people can learn and create when they collaborate

We're hoping that by announcing it this early, you'll have enough time to
plan to attend.  We'd really love to see you there.  The Canberra version
will be the first full three day RecentChangesCamp held outside of the USA
and Canada. Any support you can provide would be very much appreciated.

Laura Hale

twitter: purplepopple
blog: ozziesport.com

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