[Foundation-l] Page views

Milos Rancic millosh at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 21:17:48 UTC 2010

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 22:49, Przykuta <przykuta at o2.pl> wrote:
>> Is there any explanation for the extraordinary jump in page views this
>> month?
>> http://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TablesPageViewsMonthly.htm
> If it is not a bug[1], I think it is newsworthy
> http://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/W_pa%C5%BAdzierniku_skokowo_wzros%C5%82a_liczba_wej%C5%9B%C4%87_na_Wikipedi%C4%99
> + 50% jump.
> przykuta
> [1] number of edits: http://www.wikistatistics.net/?family=wikipedias&project=en&subject=edits&scanback=200
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If I remember well, data for the previous year or so were partial.
But, someone from tech staff should know it better.

Alexa doesn't say anything special for Wikipedia.

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