[Foundation-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] WMF Staff Addition: Mani Pande as Senior Research Analyst, Global Development

phoebe ayers phoebe.wiki at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 02:28:37 UTC 2010

Welcome Mani! As always don't hesitate to ask the community if you
have questions large or small about how Wikimedia works :)

(and the Institute for the Future is pretty cool... I have a t-shirt
of theirs that is one of my favorites)


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Barry Newstead <bnewstead at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> It is my pleasure to welcome Mani Pande to the Wikimedia team.
> Mani joins as the Senior Research Analyst, Global Development.  In this
> role, Mani will work across the Global Development team and the organization
> as a whole to design and lead research work that helps us make good
> strategic decisions and evaluate the results of the work that we do (to make
> even better decisions).  In addition, Mani will help to design and deploy
> metrics for key Global Development areas so that we can monitor our
> performance against the strategic plan.
> A native of New Delhi, Mani brings a global perspective to our work. Her
> passion lies in understanding how consumers use technology to map
> opportunity spaces for new product strategies and industry growth. She has a
> special interest in the transformative technology experiences brought about
> through the use of mobile devices by emerging market consumers. She has also
> extensively studied the growth of open source movement.
> Mani is an accomplished quantitative researcher & has conducted surveys
> studying technology usage, sustainability and health in US, India and China.
> Mani is an experienced ethnographer having conducted work in India, Brazil,
> Russia and China on technology usage and studying women in the software
> industry.  Mani worked for the Institute for the Future, a forecasting
> research organization based in Palo Alto,  for over 5 years. She has a PhD
> in Sociology from Kansas State University and an MA and MPhil in Sociology
> from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.  Before moving to the US to
> pursue her PhD, Mani worked as a reporter-cum-sub-editor for The Times of
> India. Her  beats were media (favorite assignments covering a Cindy Crawford
> press conference & Yanni's show at the Taj Mahal) & crime (no favorites
> here, just saw a lot of gross stuff).
> Mani loves to cook. Her specialties, Thai red curry, enchiladas in mole
> sauce (from scratch) & chicken biryani. She posts pics of food that she
> cooks on Twitter. You can see some of the pics (@manipande on Twitter).
> Welcome Mani!
> --
> Barry Newstead
> Chief Global Development Officer
> Wikimedia Foundation
> Tel: +1-415-839-6885 x. 634
> Skype: barry.wikimedia
> Twitter: @bazanews
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