[Foundation-l] Liu Xiaobo

shi zhao shizhao at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 00:43:28 UTC 2010

about Liu Xiaobo:
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charter_08

Chinese wikipedia: http://zh.wikipedia.org/
My blog: http://shizhao.org
twitter: https://twitter.com/shizhao


2010/10/9 Peter Damian <peter.damian at btinternet.com>

> I don't know why such fuss has been made in the media about this.  Under
>  Chinese law, Xiaobo is a criminal who has been sentenced by Chinese
> judicial
>  departments for violating Chinese law
> http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/node/461876  His own community has delivered
> a
>  verdict upon him: he is a criminal.  He deserves 'fair treatment' no more
>  than the trolls who have disrupted the Wikipedia deserve so-called 'fair
>  treatment'.  Those who violate community norms, such as Xiaobo (in the
> case
>  of China) or many of the disruptive elements who create havoc on the
> project
>  by their offensive comments and offsite attacks.  The Chinese government
> > imposed a blackout on news of the award: quite right.  This is exactly
> > what
>  would happen on Wikipedia, by means of blocks in article space, talk pages
>  and email access.  More power to the community!
>  Peter
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