[Foundation-l] Liu Xiaobo

M. Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 22:12:44 UTC 2010

Peter, I've never heard of Wikipedia sentencing anybody to prison. I
can't support such a comparison between blocking and real-life prison.
Have you ever been jailed yourself? It is not fun. I would much rather
be blocked from all Wikimedia projects forever than spend a week in
prison, especially in China. If I'm blocked from all WM projects, I
can still go for a stroll, visit the library, go to work, choose which
food I want to eat, travel freely, spend virtually unlimited time with
loved ones, work in the community... prison does not allow for such
luxuries. By making such a comparison, you are making light of the
experiences of those of us who have ever been deprived of our liberty,
including those unlucky enough to find themselves locked in the cold,
dark confines of some remote prison with unspeakably inhumane
conditions for the majority of their lives, wrongly accused of
committing a crime they know nothing about.


2010/10/8 Peter Damian <peter.damian at btinternet.com>:
> I don't know why such fuss has been made in the media about this.  Under
>  Chinese law, Xiaobo is a criminal who has been sentenced by Chinese
> judicial
>  departments for violating Chinese law
> http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/node/461876  His own community has delivered a
>  verdict upon him: he is a criminal.  He deserves 'fair treatment' no more
>  than the trolls who have disrupted the Wikipedia deserve so-called 'fair
>  treatment'.  Those who violate community norms, such as Xiaobo (in the case
>  of China) or many of the disruptive elements who create havoc on the
> project
>  by their offensive comments and offsite attacks.  The Chinese government
>> imposed a blackout on news of the award: quite right.  This is exactly
>> what
>  would happen on Wikipedia, by means of blocks in article space, talk pages
>  and email access.  More power to the community!
>  Peter
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