[Foundation-l] xkcd's map of the internet

Florence Devouard Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 6 22:44:10 UTC 2010

On 10/6/10 5:43 PM, phoebe ayers wrote:
> xkcd's updated somewhat-but-not-strictly-scientific map of social
> communities, where the size of website "territories" is determined by
> the size of their userbase&  activity, is out:
> http://xkcd.com/802/
> a) it's hilarious
> b) look at how tiny wikimedia talk pages are!

Ok, maybe that's just me.... but I could not find us ! Where are we ? 
(north west ? south east ? )

> cf 2007 where we were a whole archipelago: http://xkcd.com/256/.
> However, the 2nd map is based on "activity" rather than simply number
> of users. Also note this is relative size compared to other websites.
> Ethan Bloch did an update also that has Wikipedia as being
> substantially larger, which uses "estimated number of users":
> http://www.flowtown.com/blog/the-2010-social-networking-map

I can not help feel proud by the size of the "social networking" 
activity of the French wikipedia. We talk a lot :)


> -- phoebe

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