[Foundation-l] cross posted emails

John Vandenberg jayvdb at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 02:20:39 UTC 2010

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Casey Brown <lists at caseybrown.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:08 PM, John Vandenberg <jayvdb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> cross-posted emails
> [..]
>> Subject: [Wikiquote-l] ...
> It changes for me with like every e-mail, Philippe's most recent
> e-mail got "Wikiversity-l" for me. :-)
>> I'm guessing this is controlled by the mailing list software.
> It's not; actually, it's controlled by your mail provider -- gmail.
> AFAIK, you actually get like 9 copies of the mail from the mailing
> list software (one from each list), and gmail just hides all of the
> duplicates from you.  I think the one message that you do end up
> seeing is the one you received first, or maybe gmail just randomly
> picks one.

Oh.  Could it be overriden if the sender explicitly sets a Reply-To?

Well I'm sure that this will fix itself now, as Google knows what I want.

I'm surprised Google hasn't read my mind yet ;-(

maybe they really are evil...

I wonder if a filter to delete emails sent to both wikiquote-l &
foundation-l will fire before or after Google has deleted the

John Vandenberg

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