[Foundation-l] Please delete mo. wikipedia

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 13:02:44 UTC 2010

On 4 October 2010 13:54, Chad <innocentkiller at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:39 AM, Mariano Cecowski
> <marianocecowski at yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

>> Would it be possible to change the source for editing and then back to be stored? I can think of a couple of problems to solve, including image and template names, or language links, but all of them should be solvable, and that should keep everyone happy, right?

> Possible? Maybe...would need work.
> I guess it comes down to whether it's deemed to be worth
> the work or not.

In this case, the problem is a visceral hatred by some persons on
ro:wp of anything even slightly Cyrillic. The Cyrillic letter was even
missing from the ro:wp puzzle globe for a time. (I see it's present in
the current version.)

So treating this as in any way merely a technical problem will not
resolve the cause of these regular messages. I see the messager has
resorted to spamming multiple lists now.

Possibly putting it at the bottom of the *long* list of other problems
in need of resolution (e.g. all the volunteer work that's backed up a
year or more, as Simetrical noted on wikitech-l) would be an idea.
Because everything else is more urgent and indeed more important than
one annoying nationalist spammer.

- d.

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