[Foundation-l] Ban and moderate

Virgilio A. P. Machado vam at fct.unl.pt
Fri Oct 22 01:23:16 UTC 2010

Three days after the announcement made by Austin Hair on behalf of 
this list administrators, which also includes Ral315 and 
AlexandrDmitri, that Greg Kohs was banned and Peter Damian moderated, 
this much has been accomplished by about 41 posts on that subject:

1) Austin Hair, Ral315, and AlexandrDmitri continue to be the list 

2) Greg Kohs is still banned and Peter Damian moderated;

3) Five members posted supporting the list administrators decision;

4) Nine members posted against or questioning the list administrators decision;

5) Greg Kohs has been accused of and/or called (after being banned = 
unable to self defense)

5.1) brinkmanship, boasting, troll, by Gerard Meijssen
5.2) actively opposing [the project], criticizing in public forums in 
exaggerated ways, not adding anything constructive or helpeful, 
trollish and disruptive behavior, bad faith, malice, engaged in a 
campaign intending to harm, have and use substantive issues [to 
harm], by Fred Bauder
5.3) completely unable to keep his contributions civil, causing more 
flamewars than constructive discussion, by Austin Hair, list 
administrators reasons to ban
5.4) having a long, unmitigated and unambiguous record of trolling, 
spamming, harassment, and abuse, openly soliciting bids from "web 
manipulators" whom he intends to pay to post pre-written negative 
comments to news stories about Wikipedia, with a very clearly stated 
motive to drive traffic to his revenue-generating sites, clearly 
unethical and profit-driven behavior and trolling, wasting much time 
and energy, throwing much shit [of and at others], returning here 
frequently with throwaway email accounts, by Erik Moeller, Deputy 
Director, Wikimedia Foundation
5.5) being abusive, somewhat sensationalistic, unwilling to abide by 
reasonable internal behavior standards, that behavior being a 
defining factor of his interaction with the list, rarely being able 
to suppress it for long, by George Herbert
5.6) and associated with troublesome, trolls, and harassment, by phoebe ayers

6) Peter Damian has been accused of and/or called (after being 
moderated = self defense not guaranteed)

6.1) making you believe there is nothing good to be found in 
Wikipedia, posturing as a superior mind, boring, not toning down his 
retoric, not relevant, by Gerard Meijssen
6.2) actively opposing [the project], criticizing in public forums in 
exaggerated ways, not always contributing something constructive and 
helpeful, trollish and disruptive behavior, bad faith, malice, 
engaged in a campaign intending to harm, have and use substantive 
issues [to harm], by Fred Bauder
6.3) not always posting something that is even marginally acceptable, 
by Austin Hair, list administrators reasons to moderate
6.4) and associated with troublesome, and trolls, by phoebe ayers

Sixteen hours after the ban and moderation, the 19th post was 
off-topic. Three and a half hours later, by the 25th post the 
discussion got off-topic for good staying that way, until someone 
change the topic title. Of 41 posts, 18 (including the last 17) were off-topic.

Half an hour after the 19th post that would eventually send the 
discussion off-topic for good, another topic was open. It added a 
total of 19 posts, six of them by the list member that started it. It 
generated one post questioning the list administrators decision to 
moderate Peter Damian, and three supporting the list administrators 
decision to ban Greg Kohs. Furthermore,

7) Greg Kohs (after being banned = unable to self defense) was 
accused of campaigning against Wikipedia, having a big anti campaign 
in progress, being disingenuous and having bad faith, by Fred Bauder

8) Greg Kohs and his publications off-list were accused of 
being/having (after Greg Kohs being banned = unable to self defense)

8.1) sheer number of inaccuracies and misportrayals, by Michael Peel
8.2) full of misinformation, erroneously blaming the WMF for content 
issues, simultaneously arguing two sides of an issue, flat out false 
or outdated, troll, by Ryan Kaldari
8.3) continual attacks on the content don't appear to consistent and 
give the appearance (to me based on my view) of attacking the WMF 
because he has a personal axe to grind, Posting long screeds 
attacking the content providing nature while ignoring the fact that 
WMF is legally a host, not using a productive method for encouraging 
positive change, Continually railing on and on about these cases of 
pornography, plagiarism and libel just are ignoring, He doesn't feel 
like he's addressing systematic problems with the user created 
culture but attacking to attack, faulting the community (which it 
feels like) for not dealing with these problems on specific pages, 
attacking your average contributor, It feels like he's not attacking 
.the WMF but the base of people like you and me, can't try to make 
positive change, won't fork, gives the appearance of trying to take 
down a project, by Laura Hale

9) Peter Damian (after being moderated = self defense not guaranteed) 
was accused of bad talk, by Fred Bauder

10) Peter Damian and his publications off-list were accused of 
being/having (after Peter Damian being moderated = self defense not 

10.1) exaggerating, going beyhond negative comments, by Fred Bauder
10.2) blog complaining about moderation being itself moderated by 
him, by Ryan Kaldari

There seems to be nothing unusual or particularly remarkable in this 
case when compared with what can be seen on this list or in many 
Wikimedia projects. Hopefully this may be useful to others, helping 
them understand what to expect and how things work and are done and 
dealt with here.


Virgilio A. P. Machado

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