[Foundation-l] Reflections on the recent debates

David Levy lifeisunfair at gmail.com
Sun May 9 15:53:50 UTC 2010

Jimmy Wales wrote:

> I understand that and apologize for it.  There was a crisis situation
> and I took action which ended up averting the crisis.  In the process I
> stepped on some toes, and for that I am sorry.

The apology is a positive step.  The claim that you averted a crisis
is not.  I have no doubt that this was your sincere intention, but it
should be abundantly clear to you that your intervention caused far
more harm than good.

Your repeated reference to "stepping on some toes" only reinforces the
damage that you've done to the community by affirming an apparent
belief that its longstanding members are relatively insignificant.
Now is the time to reach out to the contributors alienated by your
approach, not to add insult to injury by downplaying their discontent
and departure from Wikimedia projects.

I write this not to attack your character, but in the hope that you'll
come to your senses and do the right thing.  If I believed that you
truly were a "tyrant," I wouldn't bother.

David Levy

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