[Foundation-l] Time to reset the 'founder' flag-- Jimbo is no longer a viable king.

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Sat May 8 14:54:12 UTC 2010

On Sat, May 08, 2010 at 10:37:15AM -0400, Casey Brown wrote:
> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Alec Conroy <alecmconroy at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that's a little harsh to say that he doesn't have the
> confidence of the community.  I think a *better* reason to remove the
> founder status would be so that he's not carrying out actions himself
> (it's all about checks-and-balances).  He can participate in
> discussions and make a decision as "godking", but then why does he
> need to carry the decision out himself?  With the position of
> "godking", he can just ask a local user or steward to carry out the
> decision instead of doing it himself with a founder flag.

Seconded. That's what I do too! [1]

	Kim Bruning

[1] Except for the part about being the Godking. ;-)

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