[Foundation-l] The Fox Article

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Sat May 8 07:14:23 UTC 2010

On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 2:55 AM, teun spaans <teun.spaans at gmail.com> wrote:
> Would it stand any chance to file against Foxnews for slaunder?
> It seems they are also actively approaching organizations who donated
> support to wikimedia.

The recent mass deletions have made it harder to refute their
outrageous claims— since they can now state that these images
previously existed but must have been deleted.

"Images tagged for deletion — though some were still
 viewable Friday afternoon — include pictures of men,
 women and young girls involved in a range of sex acts
 with each other and, in some cases, with animals."

I have no doubt that this is referring to any of many 18th century
drawings of historic and artistic interest which we still have.  For
example, as was pointed out on commons, it could even be describing an
image like this:
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leda_Melzi_Uffizi.jpg  (though
it was probably describing something more raunchy, some of the french
drawings from the 1880s are pretty crazy)

In any case, I've never seen _photographs_ meeting the above
description on commons.

Sadly we can no longer take the easy path of combating the outrageous
claims of child porn by pointing to categories such as
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Pedophilia filled with old
drawings sourced from the US library of congress and point out that
_this_ is what Fox and Sanger are complaining about — because now
people will just believe that there previously was something else
there which we've since hidden.

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