[Foundation-l] Statement on appropriate educational content

MZMcBride z at mzmcbride.com
Sat May 8 02:14:06 UTC 2010

Kim Bruning wrote:
> On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 12:30:18PM -0700, Michael Snow wrote:
>> announce-l still has issues. The Board of Trustees has directed me to
>> release the following statement:
> Just to be sure:
> Are there no other statements that have been made by the board
> or are being planned to be made by the board on this subject?

For what it's worth, Jay Walsh has posted a Q&A at

It seems like a lot of bullshit and spin to me, but perhaps there are
nuggets of valuable information buried somewhere in there.


[1] http://wikimedia.org/wiki/QA_Wikimedia_Commons_images_review,_May_2010

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