[Foundation-l] Sue Gardner, Erik Möller , William Pietri: Where is FlaggedRevisions?

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 22:05:44 UTC 2010

On 2 March 2010 13:04, Peter Gervai <grinapo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Which does not imply it's been a failure. But generally my measure would be
> a) bad mood/stress level of the editors doing patrolling (which by my
> educated guess went down), and
> b) the incidents of indecent/unwanted content appearing for the wide
> public (which by my observation definitely went down, my guess is
> close to zero).

What about c) people not editing (or not continuing to edit) because
they don't like their edits not going live immediately? Any data on

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