[Foundation-l] �lliam Pietri: Where is FlaggedRevisions?

Casey Brown lists at caseybrown.org
Mon Mar 1 12:18:11 UTC 2010

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Aphaia <aphaia at gmail.com> wrote:
> Not a sarcasm, but I would like to point out SUL, single user login
> took years to implement to the project wikis, and we even called once
> it "Godot". FlaggedRevs implementation also - it took years to
> realize. Months are relatively shorter, and I hope you guys could wait
> for in a less pain.

Yes, but no one was contracted for work on SUL.  People are being paid
to work on *just* FlaggedRevs, it's not something that the tech team
has to fit into their time to develop.

Casey Brown

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