[Foundation-l] "The problem with Wikipedia..."

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen cimonavaro at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 23:14:05 UTC 2010

Platonides wrote:
> geni wrote:
>> Well I can search wikipedia-en-l as far back as 13.09.04 and I'm not
>> coming up with anything. Running google searches for mentions pre 2006
>> doesn't turn up anything however use explodes in 2006 which is rather
>> fast if than jan 2006 use is the first.
> I grepped for it in foundation-l, wikien-l and wikipedia-l archives but
> found nothing.
> BTW, it seems we dropped our archives of intlwiki-l.
> Info-de-l, spamtest-l and the odd jason-l and jason2-l lists.

My guess would be anyway that it wasn't on the lists, but in
an IRC chat.

Might even have been by me, since I had used a similar
formulation about the internet as a whole, over a decade
before. But I am certainly not claiming affirmatively to
be the originator, since as others have said, the play on
words is pretty obvious.


Jussi-Ville Heiskanen

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