[Foundation-l] Fwd: WikiLeaks inspired "New media haven"proposalpasses Parliament

susanpgardner at gmail.com susanpgardner at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 00:27:06 UTC 2010

Ha! You know, I remember that when I first arrived at Wikimedia, Jimmy sent me a couple of gentle little e-mails, pointing out where I had used Canadian spellings, and telling me that Americans spelled those words differently.

It made me laugh out loud. Because I thought, only an American (albeit a kind, wanting-to-be-helpful American) would ever entertain the notion that a Canadian might not know that. Because we of course grew up consuming American novels and magazines and so forth, and so it's a thing we learned when we were, like, five years old.

So yeah. Press releases and official communications will adhere to US style. But in my personal writing, you will always see the "ou"s and the "re"s :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Snow <wikipedia at verizon.net>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 13:55:35 
To: <susanpgardner at gmail.com>; Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List<foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Fwd: WikiLeaks inspired "New media haven"
	proposalpasses Parliament

If it's in the US, wouldn't it be a data center? (I'm mildly 
disappointed to discover that the Meta pages on the "guerilla UK 
spelling campaign" and the "gorilla US spelling campaign" were deleted 
some time ago. Though honestly, Noah Webster should have finished the 
job and made it "campain".)

--Michael Snow

susanpgardner at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Liam,
> We're not (looking to set up a new data centre in Europe).  We're planning a second US data centre, likely in Virginia. Mark Bergsma's in the office this week, leaving to scout out possibilities with Danese, tonight.  They, or someone else involved with tech, can probably talk more about that, if you want specifics :-)
> Thanks,
> Sue
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liam Wyatt <liamwyatt at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 20:12:08 
> To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List<foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
> Subject: [Foundation-l] Fwd: WikiLeaks inspired "New media haven" proposal
> 	passes Parliament
> Thought people here might be interested in this.
> We should be at that conference (last bullet point) IMO.
> Are we looking to set up a new data-centre in Europe?
> -Liam [[witty lama]]
> wittylama.com/blog
> Peace, love & metadata
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Julian Assange <julian at wikileaks.org>
> Date: 16 June 2010 19:34
> Subject: WikiLeaks inspired "New media haven" proposal passes Parliament
> To: liamwyatt at gmail.com
> FYI:
> Reykjavik, Iceland; 4:00 UTC, June 16th 2010.
> The WikiLeaks advised proposal to build an international
> "new media haven" in Iceland, with the world's strongest
> press and whistleblower protection laws, and a "Nobel" prize for
> for Freedom of Expression, has unaminously passed the
> Icelandic Parliament.
> 50 votes were cast in favor, zero against, one abstained. Twelve
> members of parliament were not present. Vote results are available
> at http://www.althingi.is/dba-bin/atkvgr.pl?nnafnak=43014
> One of the inspirations for the proposal was the dramatic August 2009
> gagging of
> of Iceland's national broadcaster, RUV by Iceland's then largest bank,
> Kaupthing:
> http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Financial_collapse:_Confidential_exposure_analysis_of_205_companies_each_owing_above_EUR45M_to_Icelandic_bank_Kaupthing,_26_Sep_2008
> Two changes were made to the proposal from its original form as per
> the opinion of the parliament's general affairs committee
> [http://www.althingi.is/altext/138/s/1329.html]. The first of these
> altered slightly the wording of the first paragraph so as to widen
> the arena for research. The second of these added two new items to
> the list of tasks for the government:
>   - That the government should perform a detailed analysis,
>     especially with respect to operational security,
>     for the prospect of operating data centers in Iceland.
>   - That the government should organize an international conference
>     in Iceland regarding the changes to the legal environment being caused
>     by expansion of cloud computing, data havens, and the judicial state
>     of the Internet.
> Video footage from the proposal's vote will be available at:
> http://www.althingi.is/altext/hlusta.php?raeda=rad20100616T033127&horfa=1
> http://www.althingi.is/altext/hlusta.php?raeda=rad20100616T033306&horfa=1
> For details of the proposal and press contacts, please see
> http://www.immi.is
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