[Foundation-l] Wikimedia / Wikipedia Statistics

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Thu Dec 16 16:09:33 UTC 2010

In a message dated 12/16/2010 2:14:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
z at mzmcbride.com writes:

> Erik Zachte wrote:
> > On 12/16/2010 0:12, WJhonson at aol.com wrote:
> >> Why are these tables so out of date?
> >> 
> >> http://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TablesArticlesNewPerDay.htm
> > 
> > Technical problems:
> > First the dump server needed fixing , now the wikistats server is
> > broken: power unit is no longer.
> > Replacement is on order.
> I don't follow. The latest stats at that link currently are from June 
> 2009.
> MZMcBride

What don't you follow?  That they are out of date?  Or that something is 
Can you be more clear.

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