[Foundation-l] Fwd: Project Proposal - wiki to monitor the government spending - GovSpendWatch Wiki

Ryan Lomonaco wiki.ral315 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 03:29:39 UTC 2010

Forwarded to the whole list on behalf of a non-member.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: gps <gadgil.ps at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 9:36 AM
Subject: Project Proposal - wiki to monitor the government spending -
GovSpendWatch Wiki
To: foundation-l-owner at lists.wikimedia.org


One of the biggest problems of democratic givernance is that Allocated funds
for various causes, initiatives and projects disappear due to corruption,
mismanagement or just lie unutilised due to poor or non-existant public

Another aspect is that the public Audit watchdogs in may countries is unable
to function independently, and their reports disappear when inconvenient.

Many a times the issues come to limelight when irreparable damage has been
done, due to media expose or due to increasingly used Right-to-Information
provisions, however media moves on to next issue, and there is no permanant
vigil over the public expenditure. The same issue is rampant in Asia, Africa
and even in developed countries.

We need a Global countrywise repository for monitoring, tracking,
identifying possible issues in public expenditure. The domain is important
enough for Wikimedia, and the support / backing crucial enough for the
platform to succeed.
Pl. consider this request to start a wiki to monitor the government
spending, possibly named as GovSpendWatch-Wiki.
Project Proposal has been made @

Pl. forward the proposal to foundation-l mail-list for review.

prasad gadgil - प्रसाद गाडगीळ

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