[Foundation-l] Wikipedia Executive Director?

MZMcBride z at mzmcbride.com
Thu Dec 9 23:28:19 UTC 2010

Michael Snow wrote:
> On 12/9/2010 3:03 PM, K. Peachey wrote:
>> I'm not going to debate the whole wording thing, but I will point out,
>> It is a crime to receive property/goods under false pretenses in
>> Australia which is what advertising a person with the incorrect job
>> title would be. Don't forget it isn't only the foundation handling the
>> donations this year, the local chapters are as well.
>> -Peachey
> You're not going to express an opinion on the merits of the question,
> but you're going to insinuate criminality is involved anyway? Come on,
> you're better than that. I've already indicated where I stand on this,
> but I find it embarrassing to have that position associated with
> debating tactics like this. It's a perfect example of why it's often so
> easy to dismiss our critics, when their approach involves such sleazy
> argumentation.

Calling Jimmy "Wikipedia founder" was already incredibly close to crossing
the line. Calling Sue "Wikipedia Executive Director" clearly crosses the
line. From reading your posts today, I believe you agree.

While I didn't and wouldn't raise the issue of criminality here, the sleazy
tactics are in the fundraising approach, not in the criticism.


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