[Foundation-l] Pieter Kuiper

M. Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 01:21:27 UTC 2010

Also from your talk page:

A partir de 1 de janeiro de 2009, as normas do Acordo Ortográfico de
1990 passaram a ser usadas de forma preferencial na Wikipédia de
língua portuguesa, passando a ser redigidas em conformidade todas as
"páginas oficiais" da Wikipédia (menus, políticas, recomendações,
resolução de problemas, guias de ajuda, FAQ e glossário), bem como a
página principal e os títulos de todos os artigos. No entanto, é
mantida a liberdade de cada utilizador usar qualquer uma das três
normas ortográficas e ficam interditas quaisquer edições que visem
alterar a grafia das palavras de uma norma para outra (exceto nas
"páginas oficiais", página principal e títulos de artigos, onde as
regras de 1990 prevalecem).

Translation: From 1 January 2009, the norms of the Orthographic
Agreement of 1990 will become used preferentially in the Portuguese
language Wikipedia, with all of the "official pages" of Wikipedia
being redrafted to conform to it (menus, policies, recommendations,
problem resolution, help guides, FAQ and glossary), as well as on the
Main Page and the titles of all articles. However, the freedom of each
user to use whichever of the three orthographic norms is maintained
and any edits that seek to change the spelling of words from one norm
to the other remain prohibited (except on the "official pages", the
main page and article titles, where the 1990 rules shall prevail).

As far as I can tell, this decision was reached by consensus, and the
Acordo Ortográfico of 1990 is technically official in Portugal,
although it may not yet be used in schools.


2010/12/6 Virgilio A. P. Machado <vam at fct.unl.pt>:
> Pedro,
> Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you or anybody. I thought people
> knew. It's the Brazilian Portuguese Wikipedia. Unfortunately, despite
> all most pious statements to the contrary, the uncontroversial truth
> is that a small group of 16 editors decided that all titles of
> articles and titles and content of Wikipedia pages would be
> "translated" into Brazilian Portuguese starting January 1, 2009.
> Since that time there is no longer a Wikipedia that a Portuguese can
> read without being full of gramatical mistakes. Think about what good
> that is for the children, the elderly, and the low educated
> Portuguese speaking population. Hey! I got my first block
> (http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usu%C3%A1rio_Discuss%C3%A3o:Vapmachado#Bloqueado)
> for trying to write these Wikipedia pages
> (http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usu%C3%A1rio:Vapmachado/Artigos_e_Coment%C3%A1rios_04#P.C3.A1ginas_do_espa.C3.A7o_Wikipedia)
> the same way as ALL my students. Kind of hard to deny based on that
> evidence, isn't it. There's more to that block than this, but this is
> already a long answer (always my problem) to a very short question.
> At least I expect to have been thorough. Any other question, please
> don't hesitate. You can always contact me in private so that we will
> reach a consensus out of the limelight.
> Sincerely,
> Virgilio A. P. Machado (Vapamchado)
> At 23:59 06-12-2010, you wrote:
>>On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 5:41 PM, Virgilio A. P. Machado <vam at fct.unl.pt> wrote:
>> > Adam,
>> >
>> > What a timely post. What an opportunity to test the Santa Claus
>> > hierarchical structure.
>> > (...)
>> > If you do succeed in bringing any change to Commons through this
>> > request of yours, I will follow with a similar one of my own
>> > concerning the Brazilian Wikipedia, whose de facto "president"
>> > (...)
>> > Sincerely,
>> >
>> > Virgilio A. P. Machado (Vapmachado)
>> >
>> >
>>is that  br.wikipedia.org or.. is there a new wiki I don't know of?
>>(I'm sorry to be so ignorant)
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> Prof. Virgilio A. P. Machado            vam at fct.unl.pt
> Engenharia
> Industrial
> http://web.archive.org/web/20070824105539/www.ipei.pt/GDEI/
> DEMI/FCT/UNL                    Fax:   351-21-294-8546 or 21-294-8531
> Universidade de Portugal                or 351-21-295-4461
> 2829-516 Caparica                       Tel.:  351-21-294-8542 or 21-294-8567
> PORTUGAL                                or 351-21-294-8300 or 21 294-8500
>                                         Ext.112-32
> 96-577-3726
> Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia/UNL (FCT/UNL)
> (Dr. Machado is Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering at the
> School of Sciences and Engineering/UNL of the University of Portugal)
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