[Foundation-l] Heads up: Wikipedia on Facebook

Jay Walsh jwalsh at wikimedia.org
Mon Apr 19 23:44:00 UTC 2010

At this point it looks like all links inside of the community pages link directly back to Wikipedia, including the history, 'source,' and 'edit' tabs.  Also, all images in the community pages, when clicked, take you directly to Wikipedia.

It doesn't appear that all Facebook users have access to community pages yet.  I can see them, but I can't get to them from my profile.  I think they're rolling the service out slowly, so some changes to how the WP articles are presented seems likely.

Jay Walsh
Head of Communications
+1 (415) 839 6885 x 609, @jansonw

On Apr 19, 2010, at 3:52 PM, Kul Takanao Wadhwa wrote:

> Rui,
> On 4/19/10 1:08 PM, Rui Correia wrote:
>> I would go with "Contribute to this article - click edit" button that takes
>> you back to the Wikipedia, where new editors can edit to their hearts'
>> content without the ads getting into the way of the knowledge project.
> Facebook told us that they would have links that would take people back 
> to Wikipedia so they could edit.
> --Kul
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