[Foundation-l] Living Person Task Force: Phase Two

effe iets anders effeietsanders at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 11:46:38 UTC 2010

of course especially considering the TF members' home wiki's are only
enwikipedia and dewikipedia, which are of course big wiki's but,
doesn't help you spreading the message. Perhaps it would be helpful
for the accepting of any outcomes if you tried more actively to reach
out to other communities. For example, by asking the translation team
to translate it, by posting your message yourself on the numerous
village pumps and ask people there to translate it as well etc. It
also might increase the number of ongoing discussions on the
strategywiki, which is currently quite limited (the only related
discussions I could find up to now are IRC-meetings and a few threads
on talkpages not linked from the main project page directly?)

anyway, I hope this can be turned around, and that after all more
people with different angles can cooperate and for example help ensure
that smaller wiki's wont perish from hard to make standards which
might make sense for dewiki and enwiki. (I'm happy to see there's a
SWMT-member though, but still better to involve more people I think)



2010/4/11 effe iets anders <effeietsanders at gmail.com>:
> yes, that is what i was afraid for already :) only enwikipedia and
> meta, practically...
> 2010/4/10 Keegan Peterzell <keegan.wiki at gmail.com>:
>> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 4:37 AM, effe iets anders <effeietsanders at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> ok, I pasted this in the Dutch village pump of wikipedia, because I
>>> dont have currently the feeling that this is really a subject that is
>>> living with wikipedians, although they would care about it.
>>> I would like to suggest that something similar is done in other VP's,
>>> considering the huge impact this might have on projects. Just
>>> foundation-l wouldn't give you the credibility that you will need to
>>> have enough support I think.
>>> Lodewijk
>> Thanks, I posted to meta, the en.wp Village Pump, and wikien-l.  If others
>> could also help post in their native language wikis, that'd be tremendous.
>>  Much appreciated, Lodewijk.
>> --
>> ~Keegan
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Keegan

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