[Foundation-l] Weekly Flagged Protection update

William Pietri william at scissor.com
Fri Apr 2 04:46:15 UTC 2010

On 04/01/2010 09:09 PM, MZMcBride wrote:
> Thank you for the weekly reports, both on this list and on the labs wiki.
> They're very helpful in a number of ways.

You're very welcome.

>> Feedback from users has dropped off, which we are taking as a sign that
>> people are relatively happy with things.
> Err, can you explain this logic to me?

Since what people mainly report is things they are unhappy with, we take 
the reduction in volume to be a sign of decreased unhappiness. It could 
be total apathy, of course, but that hasn't been one of the problems 
with this project so far.

If people do have concerns with the current implementation, now is the 
time to express them, so that we can get fixes in our work queue and 
triage them appropriately. The place to start for that is here:


>> We expect to release again next week, and each week thereafter until
>> this goes live on the English Wikipedia.
> Just for clarification, "release" means updating the software being run on
> the labs site?

Yes, exactly.


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