[Foundation-l] Copyrighted maps and Derived works from copyrighted sources.

Austin Hair adhair at gmail.com
Thu Apr 1 20:05:00 UTC 2010


We're now some 40 messages into this thread.  I went back and checked,
and not a single poster supports your arguments.

I appreciate that you've been polite and have made a good-faith effort
to argue your case in a civil manner, but I think it's clear that this
you're not winning this one—at least not here.  I'm not saying that
you're wrong—though, for the record, I think you are—but at this point
you're just beating a dead horse.

I have no problem with you pursuing this further, but I suggest that
you consolidate your points on Meta and see if you can find others
willing to engage in reasonable discussion without repeating the same
arguments ad infinitum.


Austin Hair
List Administrator

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