[Foundation-l] Expert board members - a suggestion

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Tue Sep 15 13:38:41 UTC 2009

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Domas Mituzas <midom.lists at gmail.com>wrote:
> Anyway, back then it didn't need board member campaigning - whole
> board knew it is important task, it needed executive level decision,
> that we need someone dedicated to this task, and once such discussion
> was made, dumps started rolling.

Right...where can I go to download the full history English Wikipedia dump?

Still doesn't work.  And yes, it needs an executive level decision, and it
needs a kick in the ass from the board to get the executive level to make
that decision.

How many millions of dollars were left unspent by the tech team a couple
years ago?

And yes, it was matter of overall priorities
> execution, which got resolved somehow, right?

It's not resolved.  And even if it got resolved today, that'd still be three
years too late.

> You seem to fail to understand, that for years tech team was also a
> volunteer body - though of course, eventually more and more people got
> on the paycheck.

And whose fault is that?  The fault of the CTO, which is in turn the fault
of the board.

> Frankly, the major input about the dumps that the tech team got from
> the community was "you suck where are our dumps" kind of input - with
> lots of whining and no rationalization :-)

No "rationalization"?  I can't say I understand what you're asking for.  The
dumps will be fixed when *one person* is put in charge of fixing them, and
when that person has at least several hours a week to dedicate to the task.
 The dumps aren't like encyclopedia articles.  You can't have a bunch of
people adding little things here and there and expect a working product, and
it's unrealistic to expect someone to take charge of this sort of thing for
free, especially in the current economy.

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