[Foundation-l] Report to the Board of Trustees June 2009

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 14:29:42 UTC 2009

2009/9/11 Waldir Pimenta <waldir at email.com>:

> We would love to receive advice on how we can make the chapter work (well)
> with people so spread across the country (almost all the involved people
> live in different cities), and since much of the money WMF has was
> volunteer-contributed, we will take into account the wishes of the
> community. If you feel we should meet less (how many times do you think are
> enough? let us know your thoughts on our mailing list:
> wikimediapt at lists.wikimedia.org), then we certainly will consider your
> advice.

WMUK (both versions) made very sure that official meetings were
explicitly allowed to be conducted online, not just in person. This
means an IRC meeting can be official (and a lot less nuisance).

- d.

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