[Foundation-l] Use of moderation

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Wed Sep 9 15:53:39 UTC 2009

Brian wrote:

> This is unfortunate - why are so many people more interested in 
> backwards-looking criticism than forward-looking progress?

They are not many, they are very few. But they are allowed to 
speak freely, beyond all reasonable proportions.

The majority is silent. Count how many members (lurkers) this list 
has, and how few people post the majority of messages. The problem 
is that you don't see the silent majority in an electronic forum. 
The intelligent and responsible members only post when they have 
something useful to say, and never just for showing their 
presence. Posting more than 30 messages per month is not an 
achievement, but a lack of self-moderation and consideration.

More active moderation could improve this list significantly. 
Serious criticism and whistle-blowing will never be published here 
anyway, but in other media channels that don't belong to the 
Wikimedia Foundation. There is no real risk for censorship.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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