[Foundation-l] Wikinews has not failed

Brian J Mingus Brian.Mingus at Colorado.EDU
Wed Nov 4 23:58:54 UTC 2009

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Bod Notbod <bodnotbod at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it possible that sometimes Wikipedia steals Wikinews' thunder?
> You get something like that kid (not) in a balloon and it
> struggles/fails to get on Wikipedia but I assume did OK on Wikinews.
> Sometimes a current event is big enough that Wikipedia can cover it
> without fear of deletion (I think of Katrina) and I seem to recall the
> coverage in Wikipedia was amazing.
> Perhaps that means Wikinews can only ever be a little brother because
> Wikipedia gets to cover the big stories as well as Wikinews ever will.
The [[Colorado balloon incident]] Wikipedia article has had 120,000 views.
I'm sure that the [[6-year-old boy in Colorado found alive, unhurt after
runaway balloon allegedly carried him away]]  article on Wikinews received
far, far less attention.

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