[Foundation-l] Google Wave and Wikimedia projects

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Sat May 30 12:24:06 UTC 2009

2009/5/30 Jussi-Ville Heiskanen <cimonavaro at gmail.com>:
> Thomas Dalton wrote:
>>  E-mail, once
>> it let the military/academia, was a completely new thing, there wasn't
>> anything like it before (the closest thing was telegrams, which
>> charged by the word, could take a few hours to reach their destination
>> and couldn't have attachments).
> Not even courier mail?

Courier mail is far far slower than email or telegrams (for long
distance, at least). I've just watched the first 20 minutes of the
presentation and there doesn't seem to be anything new, it's just
combining existing stuff in a fancy way. It's a great app, and I may
well use it, but it isn't going to change the world. It's part of an
incremental progression, it's not a paradigm shift.

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