[Foundation-l] Collecting or spreading information (was: Wikipedia is not the karma sutra)

Ivan Lanin ivan.lanin at wikimedia.or.id
Thu May 14 13:42:30 UTC 2009

These questions are very good. While perhaps not really related to the
original discussion, I just want to share my thought and experience in
Indonesian context.

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:34 PM, effe iets anders
<effeietsanders at gmail.com> wrote:

> But which of the two is more important to us, and which takes preference?

Collecting was and still is the main focus. But all of us know that
the ultimate goal is actually to spread it. What's the use of free
knowledge repository if it's not used by as many people as possible?
So, collecting first, spreading later.

> * Are we the only one able to perform a certain task? Are we the single (and
> therefore important) link in a chain from knowledge to receiver?

No, we are not the one. The government should actually do that. But,
we are an important alternative *collector* of information and
therefore should also be able to spread it.

> * Is there an activity someone else could do more effectively?

I think currently wiki platform is the most effective way of
collecting meaningful information. But we are not the most effective
party that can do the spreading. Government and academic should be
more effective since most people usually believe them. The wiki way,
on the other hand, raise doubts on the accuracy of information.

> * Is there an activity we could do most effectively?

Collection of information ofcourse :)

> * Is there a part that is connected directly to our identity, which we do
> not /want/ to let go?

Imperfectness, but continous improvement of the process of collecting

> * What are the side effects to limiting/extending ourselves on one of the
> two?

Since I believe that our strong point is on the collection of
information, this one should be extended.

> * How does the main public (also our main moneymaker) see us/expect us to
> act?

They expect us to be more reliable as a source of information, but
they don't expect us to be more active in spreading it.

Ivan Lanin (personal opinion)

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