[Foundation-l] [Wiktionary-l] Divergent Wiktionary logos

Michael Snow wikipedia at verizon.net
Thu Mar 26 05:51:18 UTC 2009

Cary Bass wrote:
> While the English Wiktionary community may or may not be satisfied
> with the logo as-is, in the interest of maintaining a visual identity,
> one logo has to be used across projects
My impression is that the current split is a natural result of the fact 
that nobody has yet put forward a satisfactory solution. The "classic" 
logo is not a logo at all, but has the inertia of long use. The new logo 
would give some consistency but is not compelling, a mixture of good 
ideas and serious flaws. Since it's not a clear upgrade in the way that 
the Wikipedia logo was, it's not surprising that different parts of the 
project have decided not to go with it.

Given that background, I would conclude that neither of the current 
options is desirable, and we need to develop a new Wiktionary logo. I 
think a well-executed logo would not have much difficulty securing 
adoption across the project. My own suggestion would be to use 
individual blocks but to have them be like type pieces from a printing 
press. This would incorporate some aspects of both current logos - from 
the older one the feel of a dictionary, and from the newer one the more 
logo-like benefits, while dropping the appearance of game pieces. As I'm 
not a graphic designer, I'm not going to attempt to actually create the 
logo, but I would be very interested to see what someone with 
professional skills could come up with using this concept.

--Michael Snow

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