[Foundation-l] Licensing transition: opposing points of view

Sue Gardner sgardner at wikimedia.org
Mon Mar 23 15:04:32 UTC 2009

2009/3/22 Jussi-Ville Heiskanen <cimonavaro at gmail.com>:
> Sue Gardner wrote:
>> I've been meaning to reply in this thread to what Jussi said. (Sorry to
>> not reply inline; I'm on my Blackberry.)
> First of all, can I ask as a favor that you never again refer to me as
> "Jussi". Jussi is my grandpa.
> I am Jussi-Ville, or "J-V" (Jay-Vee) for short. Often also known by my TLA
> "JVH" in contexts of
> people like Mike Godwin, who date me from the early ages of the internet. I
> am not offended,
> but I do want to make it clear that referring to me as "Jussi" does have
> significance.


> Yours, no offense taken nor hopefully given,

Absolutely: me naming you as Jussi was just sloppy shorthand.
Jussi-Ville it is :-)

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