[Foundation-l] Proposed revised attribution language

geni geniice at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 02:01:03 UTC 2009

2009/3/16 Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net>:
> So, if I want to give to give a mug with an erotic description of the
> Kama Sutra to my girl friend, I also need to give her this list of
> authors.  Are there really people here who would be so law-abiding that
> they would threaten their love-life with that kind of anti-climax?
> Ec

I understand there was a time when the mixtape was part of some
western courtship rituals. So expecting people to follow any license
terms in that area is probably a lost cause. On the other hand looking
at how much packaging even a mug can come with these days an extra
sheet of paper would be unremarkable.


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