[Foundation-l] Proposed revised attribution language

Erik Moeller erik at wikimedia.org
Fri Mar 13 23:23:23 UTC 2009

2009/3/11 Jussi-Ville Heiskanen <cimonavaro at gmail.com>:
> 3. If the intent is to maintain a stipulation that conforming
> to the license can be done by satisfying a significantly
> lower threshold than supplying the authors, but since we
> are doing that "more onerous route", every other sad site
> should do the same; well I simply disagree, and that
> phrasing merely reads petulant and doesn't even get the
> point across.

I'm not sure we're understanding each other, still.

The point of the provision is to ensure that attribution by link
always happens by linking to a copy that actually gives authorship
information. In most cases that will be our website, but the
attribution requirements should allow for independent mirrors and

I've reworded it slightly:
"b) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable
online copy which is freely accessible, which conforms with the
license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner
equivalent to the credit given on this website"
Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

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