[Foundation-l] Call for participation in Epistemia, a new wiki encyclopedia

Nikola Smolenski smolensk at eunet.yu
Fri Feb 6 09:03:06 UTC 2009

Delirium wrote:
> conflict-of-interest rules: when writing about a Croatian-Serbian 
> conflict, for example, anyone who is connected with Croatia or Serbia or 
> their cultures should recuse themselves when discussion gets heated. But 

The only thing you will achieve is that people will pretend to not be 
connected with Croatia or Serbia when they want to edit these articles. 
So you will have only the most stubborn people, willing to edit nothing 
else but these articles, editing them.

> generally Wikipedia's declined to consider this a conflict of interest 
> on par with editing your own business's article. If that isn't going to 

In my dealing with humans I came to understanding that every action has 
a reaction, and that this reaction can lead to the opposite of what you 
want to achieve.

In this example:
* Desired outcome: prevent business articles from being filled with 
* Action: forbid people to edit articles about their business.
* Reaction: people pretend that they are someone else when editing 
articles about their business.
* Actual outcome: business articles are filled with propaganda, covertly.

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