[Foundation-l] Proposal: foundation-announce-l

Philippe Beaudette pbeaudette at wikimedia.org
Sun Aug 30 21:01:42 UTC 2009

On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:30 AM, Anthony wrote:

> I propose the foundation-announce-l mailing list be set up with the
> following posting rules:
> 1) One post per person per thread.  That includes the initiator of the
> thread.
> 2) Responses in a thread must be in response to the original  
> message.  No
> responding to responses.
> 4) A person may initiate a maximum of two threads per week.   
> Exception for
> foundation staff, board members, list administrator(s), and with  
> permission
> of the list administrator(s).  Responses per week are unlimited  
> subject to
> rules 1 and 2.
> 5) Posts generally do not go through a moderation queue.  Anyone  
> breaking
> the rules will be put on moderation or unsubscribed at the  
> discretion of the
> list administrator(s).

I'm rather fond of this idea.  Anthony, I hope you don't mind, but I  
added it to the Call for Proposals on the strategy wiki and credited  

Sometimes, fighting through the high traffic lists to find  
announcements is a huge problem...


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