[Foundation-l] moderate this list

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Sun Aug 30 19:01:45 UTC 2009

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Anders Wennersten <
anders.wennersten at bonetmail.com> wrote:

> I am for the moment active in some 15 wikimedia mailgroups. I have
> compared the working on foundation-l with internal-l for instance and
> find that almost the same topics are up with very much the same people
> and arguments, but where on internal a complicated issue can take 20-30
> mails whereafter often some type a consensus is reached , I find on
> foundation-l some 200-300 mail in the same subject with no firm
> conclusion.

I'm sure you'd find the same sort of thing if you compared a town hall
meeting in North Korea with a town hall meeting in New Hampshire.  I
wouldn't take very much comfort in that.

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