[Foundation-l] moderate this list

Mark Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 00:17:50 UTC 2009

> I'm sure all of you can figure out a way of setting up your email client so
> it can work for you.  If not, the archives are available online.  There's no
> reason you have to have this mailing list emailed to you in the first place.

That's an interesting attitude you have there. You're going to just do
whatever you like and if anybody requests that you modify your
behavior, even if many people ask you to, well, it's their problem and
not yours?

I use Gmail, inbox-flooding isn't such an issue for me here. However,
when I open a thread and begin to read and find there are 30 messages
from you and Thomas Dalton, I tend to skip over them. It's not because
you guys don't have anything valuable to say but rather because your
wisdom is buried in so much text that I don't quite care to fish it
out most of the time unless it's a topic I'm passionate about and want
to be sure I got everything.

You and Thomas are obviously very intelligent and often have good
insights and definitely a lot to bring to conversations but when the
signal-to-noise ratio reaches a certain point it is no longer valuable
to me to wade through the swamp of e-mails.

Of course, you're certainly not obliged to change your habits just so
that I'll read what you write, but I suspect many people feel


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