[Foundation-l] Expert board members - a suggestion

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 18:06:41 UTC 2009

2009/8/28 Anthony <wikimail at inbox.org>:
> I think the main valid reason is that it's kind of rude to ask someone like
> Halprin to commit a certain portion of his quite valuable time to the
> project, absolutely free, and not to even allow him one board vote (out of
> what, 10 now?).

I don't see why. I donate lots of my time to the project and don't get
any board votes. I would hope (and assume) he took the seat because he
supports the cause not because he is power hungry.

> I'd rather see a system for experts where "the community" (with a better
> definition than just whoever makes X edits) ratifies the nominees made by
> the nomination committee, or at least one where "the community" has the
> power to remove members.  But I'd rather see the Wikimedia Foundation as a
> membership organization...  So whatever.

That is an interesting idea. A ratification process wouldn't be too
difficult logistically and would help keep the real power in the hands
of the community, where it should be.

The WMF as a membership organisation would be great, but I don't think
it is practical. A better option (which I have discussed with a few
poeple) would be having the chapters as members of the WMF and the
community as members of the chapters. There are other global
non-profits that work along those lines. (The International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, for example.)

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