[Foundation-l] Omidyar Network Commits $2 Million Grant to Wikimedia Foundation

Michael Snow wikipedia at verizon.net
Thu Aug 27 02:46:46 UTC 2009

Kropotkine_113 wrote:
> Does he fulfill the Nomitanig Commitee selection criterion : "Membership
> in the Wikimedia community" ?
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nominating_Committee/Selection_criteria#General_needed_traits
Ting already answered the rest of these questions, but I will elaborate 
on this one. The page is perhaps not completely clear, but the 
Nominating Committee used it as a workspace to brainstorm and prioritize 
possible criteria. Thus, it was not decided that we should make 
membership in the Wikimedia community a criterion for the appointed 
seats, as most of us did not think this was a priority. I think this is 
quite understandable, since these seats are designed to allow us to find 
outside expertise for areas not already covered by the board members 
selected by the community. Neither Matt nor anyone else pretends that he 
was a member of the Wikimedia community before he was appointed to the 
board. I know that he was looking forward to getting to know people from 
the community at Wikimania, though.

--Michael Snow

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