[Foundation-l] Expert board members - a suggestion

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 02:24:12 UTC 2009

2009/8/27 Casey Brown <lists at caseybrown.org>:
> The Advisory Board hasn't really been used that well, at least not to
> my knowledge.  There should probably be more effort placed on taking
> advantage of that expertise there, but also keeping in mind the
> community-related expertise (ie. this mailing list).  It's all a
> balancing act that we'll need to get the hang of.

I think part of the problem is that there were some odd ideas about
how the Advisory Board would work. For example, it has a chair. I
can't work out why. Why would the advisory board ever meet as a group?
Being an expert is only of use if you are an expert in the subject
being discussed. Individual members of the advisory board should be
approached as and when their expertise is needed. That doesn't seem to
be how the group was originally envisaged, which explains why it was
never used - as designed, it was pretty useless.

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