[Foundation-l] Omidyar Network Commits $2 Million Grant to Wikimedia Foundation

Guillaume Paumier guillom.pom at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 18:58:22 UTC 2009


[I didn't read the whole thread, apologies if this point has already been made.]

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Thomas Dalton<thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Those answers don't address the fact that you've just given a seat on
> the board to someone that has just given you a big pile of cash.

It is very common for members of the board of a non-profit
organisation to donate money to support this organisation. Actually,
it's even a recommended fundraising practice: it's a sign of their
commitment. When Board members go discuss with potential donors and
ask them to support their cause, one of the first thing that the
prospect will ask is: « What about you? What do you do to support this
organisation? How much did you donate? ».

It won't help to answer: « Hey, dude, I'm already devoting my time to
this cause, I don't need to donate money ». You're asking someone to
donate money to your cause because you think it's a worthy cause. Why
should the prospect donate to a cause that you don't judge worthy
enough of your own money?

A board member (or volunteer, or anyone who goes around and asks
someone to donate money to a cause) has some leverage if they can
answer: « I donated $2 million because I think this cause is worthy.
How much will you donate? »

Guillaume Paumier

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