[Foundation-l] Omidyar Network Commits $2 Million Grant to Wikimedia Foundation

Kropotkine_113 Kropotkine113 at free.fr
Wed Aug 26 17:51:05 UTC 2009

Just few questions to make my opinion.

Has Matt Halprin been designated to the Board by the Nominating Commitee
(NOMCOM) ? This is explicity required if I read correctly this page :

If he has, when ? Before or after the 2M$ grant negociation ? 

Does he fulfill the Nomitanig Commitee selection criterion : "Membership
in the Wikimedia community" ?

Where is the list of the other candidates designated by the NOMCOM ?

Could we see the discussions and the recommandations of the nominating
commitee ?

Is it possible to know which member of the Board of Trustees agree this
appointment ? Or at least juste the repartition support/against in the
Board ?



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