[Foundation-l] Why can't we have $12.5 million for Wikispecies?

John Vandenberg jayvdb at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 10:07:47 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Steven Walling<steven.walling at gmail.com> wrote:
> Very good question. I'd say two major factors:
> 1. Support from scientists. Founded by one of the best-known scientists
> alive, the EOL automatically gained support from the biological sciences in
> academia. Support from the scientific/academic community is the only reason
> their largely single-author system has flourished in my opinion.

Why cant we have this?

It would be nice to see board seats going to professional/academic
leaders in the fields for each of our smaller projects.  This would
bring expertise, connections, focus, and funding.

John Vandenberg

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