[Foundation-l] Omidyar Network Commits $2 Million Grant to Wikimedia Foundation

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 20:12:26 UTC 2009

This is good news. It doesn't seem strange to me at all that a major donor
gains a limited voice on the Board, particularly when the donor can offer
expertise and connections in addition to funding. It also serves as a more
plausible explanation for Halprin's appointment than the conspiracy theory
about Wikia, corrupt practices and misuse of tax-free funds.
We voted for these Board members, in most cases repeatedly; it does them a
disservice to essentially accuse them of abusing the trust granted them by
the community. In fact I think the Board and the development people have
been doing a great job - with the credibility of a professional organization
and talented slate of directors, they've brought in a great deal of funding
for specific initiatives and operating costs. There are areas for continued
improvement, of course, but no basis for the unrelenting and accusatory
One thing I'm curious about... Why did this announcement come from Greg?

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