[Foundation-l] Lack of research on Wikipedia

Ziko van Dijk zvandijk at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 25 11:15:50 UTC 2009

Yes indeed. I have left something on that subject on

By the way, we have come a little bit far away from the original
thread, isn't it? :-)

Kind regards

2009/8/25 Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com>:
> Hoi,
> How does a list of most read articles on any Wikipedia give a clue on what
> is of interest in the Swahili Wikipedia ??? Would they really be interested
> in subjects like "Sarah Palin" ?? If the idea is to have user driven
> content, let it be driven by the community it is written for. It is more
> likely that they are interested in an article about Mwai Kibaki or Raila
> Odinga and sure enough both gentlemen have their sw.wp article.
> The only way in which you infer information about what might be of interest
> for another language is when you look at the articles read from the area
> where the language for a particular language is spoken. Another approach to
> our data that would be beneficial.
> Thanks,
>      GerardM
> 2009/8/25 Jonathan Hall <jonathan at sinewave42.com>
>> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 09:26:18AM +0200, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
>> <snip>
>> > For the second there are two approaches. We create a 100/1000 list of
>> must
>> > have articles. While there is merit in many of the subjects selected, do
>> you
>> > really think American Football is relevant in Upper Volta (I do not
>> know).
>> > The other is write what people want. We do not know what people want. If
>> we
>> > did we had a list of most looked for articles that could not be found for
>> > each project. Now THAT would be user driven and THAT would motivate
>> people
>> > to write not only the article but possibly also the wiki network around
>> such
>> > articles.
>> Actually, there are no sportspeople and very few sports articles in
>> [[meta:List of articles every Wikipedia should have]]. That said, some of
>> the articles in the philosophy section do tend a little towards the
>> abstract - an article on the concept of beauty is all well and good, but
>> how often will it actually be looked up.
>> Maybe we could gain an idea of the sort of articles that are wanted by
>> looking at which articles are accessed in other languages with larger
>> Wikipedias (en, simple, fr, maybe de would probably be the best ones to
>> start with) from IPs in the areas where the language in question is
>> spoken.
>> --
>> Jonathan G Hall <jonathan at sinewave42.com>
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Ziko van Dijk

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